402-881.245 德國耶拿元素分析儀用水分捕集器
- 公司名稱 上海艾茵精密儀器科技有限公司
- 品牌 AJ/德國耶拿
- 型號 402-881.245
- 產地
- 廠商性質 經銷商
- 更新時間 2024/8/6 7:14:43
- 訪問次數 2961
聯(lián)系方式:段婷婷13162968301 查看聯(lián)系方式
1、提供Thermo 全線產品的原廠消耗品、維修配件和維修服務,有專業(yè)的服務團隊為用戶提供及時的維修服務; 2.經營各進口品牌如美國安捷倫,美國PE,島津等耗材配件; 3、精密儀器專用的穩(wěn)壓電源,冷卻循環(huán)水系統(tǒng),為用戶制定實驗室水電氣解決方案; 4、經銷進口原子吸收光譜儀(AAS),電感耦合等離子體光譜儀(ICP-AES),電感耦合等離子體質譜儀(ICP-MS)等分析儀器。 5、經營耶拿全線產品的原廠原裝消耗品,維修配件和維修服務。 6、承接實驗室整體搬遷服務
測量原理 | 其它原理 | 加熱系統(tǒng) | 高頻爐 |
價格區(qū)間 | 面議 | 應用領域 | 環(huán)保,化工,石油,能源,綜合 |
1、提供Thermo 全線產品的原廠消耗品、維修配件和維修服務,有專業(yè)的服務團隊為用戶提供及時的維修服務;
我司經營德國耶拿Analytik Jena*儀器消耗品、儀器輔助材料等相關配件耗材,常用耗材配件長期現貨供應。
1.402-886.311 Syringe graduated 500 μl with removable needle for manual injection
2. 402-889.589 Syringe 10 μl, for Autoinjector, with removable needle
3.402-889.590 Syringe 20 μl, for Autoinjector, with removable needle
4. 402-889.591 Syringe 40 μl, for Autoinjector, with removable needle
5. 402-889.592 Syringe 100 μl, for Autoinjector, with removable needle
6.402-823.080 100μl syringe H ?8 RN 0,64(G23s)c51
7.402-886.305 500μl SYR H ?8Vent 1/4"-28 RN 1,0x0,7c51
8. 402-823.056 Needle; 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm; for all types of syringes; set of 3 pieces
9. 402-823.106 Syringe 20 μl, for Autoinjector, with removable needle
10. 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm; for all types of syringes, 3 pieces
11.402-889.186 Removable special needles, set of 3 pieces
multi N/C series
effective from 01.01.2010
PriorityOrder numberDescription
( all types of instruments )
A 402-810.047 Special catalyst multi N/C, one filling, 40 g
recommended for multi N/C 3000/3100
A 402-810.048 Special catalyst platinum, one refill
multi N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S
A402-810.050 Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)
Consumables multi N/C series
Analytik Jena AG, 15.12.20092 / 22effective from 01.01.2010
B402-810.058Special catalyst multi N/C, 200 g
recommended for multi N/C 3000/3100
B402-810.059Special catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refills
multi N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S
A402-825.044Quartz wool, 1 packet
A402-825.150U-tube, o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber
( without connections )
A 402-881.006 Quartz glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 g
A402-881.228Disposable retention filter (water trap) A402-881.229TC prefilter (aerosol trap)
402-881.245Set of TC prefilter and water trap
A402-885.017High-temperature mat, set of 3 pieces
B402-885.019Halogen absorber, complete with U-tube
multi N/C 2100 and multi N/C 2100 S multi N/C 2100 WEARING MATERIAL
B402-000.008Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 pieces
A402-520.137Glass screw joint (gray)
A402-815.058Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)
A402-815.102O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 pieces
B402-815.138Dosing syringe for phosphoric acid, 5 ml
402-815.819O-ring; 15.5 mm x 2.5 mm; Viton IC-vessel N/C 2100 S ( Stopper )
A402-823.056Needle; 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm; for all types of syringes; set of 3 pieces
A402-825.041Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screw
A402-881.026Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEK
A402-881.027Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEK
A 402-881.238 Septa for pneumatic heads, 10 mm o.d., set of 10 pieces
multi N/C 2100: only for N/C 2100 S
A402-884.005Pump hose for peristaltic pump, waste
A402-885.010Combustion tube
A402-885.011Pump hose for H3PO4 pump
B402-886.303Syringe 100 ?l with vent and removable needle 0.63 mm x
0.35 mm (only for APG 60)
B402-886.304Syringe 250 ?l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm (only for APG 60)
A402-886.305Syringe 500 ?l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7
mm (only for APG 60)?
A 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm; for all types of syringes, 3 pieces
multi N/C 2100: only for multi N/C 2100 S
A402-886.310Septum for syringe (autosampler); 9.5 mm o.d.; 1 piece
B402-886.311Syringe graduated 500 ?l with removable needle for manual injection
A402-886.314Septa pre-cut for septum-head, 11 mm, 3 pieces
A402-886.317 Condensing loop multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S
B402-886.318Sample vials, 8 ml
50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces multi N/C 2100: for APG 60-sampler multi N/C 2100 S: for APG 60-sampler
A402-889.050Septum; 12.5 mm; set of 5 pieces
multi N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC Modul
B402-889.091Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 pieces
B402-889.092Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces
( for sample rack with 112 positions )
402-890.100IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100
A402-890.110tubing kit for multi N/C 2100 S
A402-890.111tubing kit for multi N/C 2100
B402-890.113 needle with luer connector for H3PO4-syringe 402-890.150IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100 S
WEARING MATERIAL Double Furnace Solids Module
402-889.674Quartz boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 pieces
A402-890.103Furnace sealing plug
A402-890.104Solid combustion tube
A402-890.106Guidance tube
402-890.107Gasket for oxygen lock
A402-890.108Gas transfer tubing, adapter with ball joint
A402-890.109O2 tubing
multi N/C 3100 multi N/C 3100 WEARING MATERIAL
B402-000.005Sample vials, 80 mm x 33 mm, 70 pieces
multi N/C 3100: for dilution rack APG 64
B402-000.008Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 pieces
A402-520.135Fork-type clamp for oxygen supply
A402-520.137Glass screw joint (gray)
A402-815.058Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)
A402-815.102O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 pieces
B402-815.204 Septum silicon/PTFE, 24 mm, for screw cap EPA, set of
100 pieces
B402-815.205Screw cap for 40 ml EPA screw thread vial, set of 100 pieces
B402-820.075Bottle Insert
402-825.041Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screw
B 402-825.099 Sample vials for dilution rack, 100 mm x 16 mm, 10 pieces
B402-825.119Sample vessels for EPA Sampler with piercing function, set of 100 pieces
40 ml EPA screw thread vial
A402-881.026Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEK
A402-881.027Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEK
B402-883.005Sample aspiration
multi N/C 3100: also purge tube
A 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, waste
A402-884.019Injection tube
B402-884.021Waste hose with screw joint (2 m)
B402-884.023Lid for Bottle Insert
402-885.002Condensation coil
A402-885.010Combustion tube
A402-885.011Pump hose for H3PO4 pump
A402-885.016 Sample aspiration tube with screw joint
multi N/C 3100: also purge tube
B402-886.319Sample vials for APG 64-sampler, 78 mm x 28 mm, 100 pieces
A402-889.050Septum; 12.5 mm; set of 5 pieces
multi N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC Modul
402-890.163 Piercing sample aspiration tube for EPA sampler, titanium
402-890.164Piercing sample purge tube for EPA sampler, titanium
402-890.193Tubing kit for multi N/C 3100
402-890.200Condensation vessel
HT 1300
402-815.830Gasket for dust trap for HT furnace (34 mm x 4 mm)
A402-825.044Quartz wool, 1 packet
A402-881.013U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm for halogen absorber
A402-881.203Glass tube, straight, without connectors
A402-881.213Headline-Disposable-In-Line-Filter, box of 10 pieces
B402-886.001Ceran field for HT furnace
B402-886.003Connecting hose "Analyt" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m long
B402-886.004Connecting hose "pump" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m long
A402-886.005 Connecting hose "oxygen supply" for HT furnace, 4 mm x
6 mm, 2 m long
B402-886.006Feeding tool for HT furnace
A402-886.014Ceramic combustion tube
B402-886.114 Halogen absorber filling for straight tube A402-886.116Drying agent
A402-886.118Porcelain boat (white); 1,000 pieces
A402-886.312Halogen absorber filling for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm
( conditioned )
402-886.322Halogen absorber filling (conditioned)
for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm, set of 5 pieces
Warranty claims and claims related to the fulfillment of manufacture's technical specification can only be accepted by using original Analytik Jena components, spares and consumables.
Specifications and order numbers are subject to changes due to further technical development.
Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax.
Purchase is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.