當前位置:> 供求商機> 非洲綠猴腎細胞系HCV-E1Vero-HCV-E1細胞*
細胞生長特性非洲綠猴腎細胞系HCV-E1Vero-HCV-E1細胞 貼壁生長
A20649MF/MPF(Human maturation promoting factor) ELISA Kit 人促有絲分裂因子 96T
A20650ATF-1(Human activating transcription factor-1) ELISA Kit 非洲綠猴腎細胞系HCV-E1Vero-HCV-E1細胞 人轉錄因子抗體-1 96T
A20651HAMA(Human antimous antibody) ELISA 人抗鼠抗體 96T
A20652VGCC(Human voltage-gated calcium channel) ELISA Kit 人鈣離子通道抗體 96T
A20653BrdU(Human Bromodeoxyuridine) ELISA Kit 人溴脫氧核苷尿嘧啶 96T
A20654FSP(Human Fibroblast surface protein) ELISA Kit 人纖維母細胞表面抗原 96T
A20655SLPI(Human secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor) ELISA Kit 人分泌性白細胞蛋白酶抑制因子 96T
A20656POMC(Human pro-opiomelanocortin) ELISA Kit 人阿黑皮素原 96T
A20657ADMA(Human asymmetrical dimethylarginine) ELISA Kit 人不對稱二甲基精氨酸 96T
A20658ST(Human Serotonin) ELISA Kit 人血清素/血清胺 96T
A20659CTX(Human cytotoxin) ELISA Kit 人細胞毒素 96T
A20660Alpha-SYN(Human Alpha-Synuclein) ELISA Kit 人α突觸核蛋白 96T
A20661CA19-9(Human Carbohydrate antigen19-9) ELISA Kit 人糖鏈抗原19-9 96T
A20662HRD(Human Hirudin) ELISA Kit 人水蛭素 96T
A20663Human Tacrolimus-FK506 ELISA Kit 人他克莫司 96T
A20664ESA(Human epithelial specific antigen) ELISA Kit 人上皮特異性抗原 96T
A20665EMA(Human Epithelial membrane antigen) ELISA Kit 人上皮膜抗原 96T
A20666CLU(Human clusterin) ELISA Kit 人凝聚素 96T
A20667OJ/IleRS(Human anti-OJ-antibody) ELISA Kit 人OJ抗體/抗異亮氨酰tRNA合成酶抗體 96T
A20668ACA/CENP(Human Anticentromere Antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗著絲點抗體 96T
A20669MYOG(Human myogenin) ELISA Kit 人肌細胞生成素 96T
A20670ASP(Human antibody to group A streptococcal polysaccharide) ELISA Kit 人A組鏈球菌菌壁多糖抗體 96T
A20671APCR(Human activated protein C resistance) ELISA Kit 人活化蛋白C抵抗素 96T
A20672Ext-N(Human N-terminal extein) ELISA Kit 人N端外顯肽 96T
A20673SC(Human secretory component) ELISA Kit 人分泌成分 96T
A20674ADP(Human Adenosine diphosphate) ELISA Kit 非洲綠猴腎細胞系HCV-E1Vero-HCV-E1細胞 人二磷酸腺苷 96T
A20675PG(Human Proteoglycan) ELISA Kit 人蛋白聚糖 96T
A20676PYD(Human Pyridinoline) ELISA Kit 人吡啶酚 96T
A206775-HIAA(Human 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid) ELISA Kit 人5羥基吲哚乙酸 96T
A2067812-HETE(Human 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid) ELISA Kit 人12羥二十烷四烯酸 96T
A20679Hyp(Human hydroxyproline) ELISA Kit 人羥脯氨酸 96T
A20680NO(Human nitric oxide) ELISA Kit 人一氧化氮 96T
A20681ENA-78/CXCL5(Human Epithelial neutrophil activating peptide 78) ELISA Kit 人上皮中性粒細胞活化肽78 96T
A20682VC(Human Vitamin C) ELISA Kit 人維生素C 96T
A20683VB6(Human Vitamin B6) ELISA Kit 人維生素B6 96T
A20684sP-selectin(Human soluble P-selectin) ELISA Kit 人可溶性P選擇素 96T
A20685TIMP-1(Human tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase 1) ELISA Kit 人基質金屬蛋白酶抑制因子1 96T
A20686VD(Human Vitamin D) ELISA Kit 人維生素D 96T
A20687VK1(Human Vitamin K1) ELISA Kit 人維生素K1 96T
A20688VB12(Human Vitamin B12) ELISA Kit 人維生素B12 96T
A20689VD3(Human Vitamin D3) ELISA kit 人維生素D3 96T
A20690VD2(Human Vitamin D2) ELISA Kit 人維生素D2 96T
A20691VE(Human Vitamin E) EELISA Kit 人維生素E 96T
A20692VA(Human Vitamin A) ELISA Kit 人維生素A 96T
A20693GEF(Human Guanine Exchange Factor) ELISA Kit 人鳥苷酸交換因子 96T
A20694VD R(Human Vitamin D Receptor) ELISA Kit 人維生素D受體 96T
A20695TSST-1(Human toxic shock syndrome toxin) ELISA Kit 人毒性休克綜合征毒素1 96T
非洲綠猴腎細胞系HCV-E1Vero-HCV-E1細胞A20696SE(Human staphylococcus aureus enterotoxins) ELISA Kit 人金葡菌腸毒素 96T
A20697CNX(Human calnexin) ELISA Kit 人鈣聯(lián)蛋白 96T
A20698MIS/AMH(Human Mullerian Inhibiting Substance/Anti-Mullerian hormone) ELISA Kit 人繆勒管抑制物質/抗繆勒管激素 96T