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美國flexcell str-4000細(xì)胞流體剪切應(yīng)力加載培養(yǎng)文獻(xiàn):

Fluid Shear Systems

Archambault JM, Elfervig MK, Tsuzaki M, Herzog W, Banes AJ. Shear stress response of rabbit tendon cells is serum dependent. Proceedings of the Eleventh Canadian Society for Biomechanics Conference, 181, 2000.

Abstract Article

Archambault JM, Elfervig-Wall MK, Tsuzaki M, Herzog W, Banes AJ. Rabbit tendon cells produce MMP3 in response to fluid flow without significant calcium transients. J Biomech 35(3):303-309, 2002.

Abstract Article

Clark PR, Jensen TJ, Kluger MS, Morelock M, Hanidu A, Qi Z, Tatake RJ, Pober JS. MEK5 is activated by shear stress, activates ERK5 and induces KLF4 to modulate TNF responses in human dermal microvascular endothelial cells. Microcirculation 18(2):102-117, 2011.  

Abstract Article

de Castro LF, Maycas M, Bravo B, Esbrit P, Gortazar A. VEGF receptor 2 (VEGFR2) activation is essential for osteocyte survival induced by mechanotransduction. J Cell Physiol 230(2):278-85, 2015.

Abstract Article

Eifler RL, Blough ER, Dehlin JM, Haut Donahue TL. Oscillatory fluid flow regulates glycosaminoglycan production via an intracellular calcium pathway in meniscal cells. J Orthop Res 24(3):375-384, 2006.

Abstract Article

Elfervig M, Francke E, Archambault J, Herzog W, Tsuzaki M, Bynum D, Brown TD, Banes AJ. Fluid-induced shear stress activates human tendon cells to signal through multiple Ca2+ dependent pathways [abstract]. Transactions of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society 25:179, 2000.

Abstract Article

Elfervig M, Lotano M, Tsuzaki M, Faber J, Banes AJ. Fluid-induced shear stress modulates Cx-43 expression in avian tendon cells but does not induce a Ca2+ signal [abstract]. Transactions of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society 26:570, 2001.

Abstract Article

Elfervig MK, Minchew JT, Francke E, Tsuzaki M, Banes AJ. IL-1beta sensitizes intervertebral disc annulus cells to fluid-induced shear stress. J Cell Biochem 82(2):290-298, 2001.

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Finley MJ, Rauova L, Alferiev IS, Weisel JW, Levy RJ, Stachelek SJ.Diminished adhesion and activation of platelets and neutrophils with CD47 functionalized blood contacting surfaces. Biomaterials 33(24):58035811, 2012.  

Abstract Article

Francke E, Banes A, Elfervig M, Brown T, Bynum D. Fluid-induced shear stress increases [Ca2+]ic in cultured human tendon epitenon cells [abstract]. Transactions of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society 25:638, 2000.

Abstract Article

Francke E, Elfervig MK, Sood A, Brown TD, Bynum DK, Banes AJ. Fluid-induced shear stress stimulates Ca2+ signaling in human epitenon cells [abstract]. 1999 Advances in Bioengineering, J.S. Wayne, ed. American Society of Mechanical Engineers: New York, 1999.  

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Gao X, Wu L, O'Neil RG. Temperature-modulated diversity of TRPV4 channel gating: activation by physical stresses and phorbol ester derivatives through protein kinase C-dependent and -independent pathways. J Biol Chem 278(29):27129-27137, 2003.

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Ge C, Song J, Chen L, Wang L, Chen Y, Liu X, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Zhang M. Atheroprotective pulsatile flow induces ubiquitin-proteasome-mediated degradation of programmed cell death 4 in endothelial cells. PLoS One 9(3):e91564, 2014.  

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Glossop JR, Hidalgo-Bastida LA, Cartmell SH. Fluid shear stress induces differential gene expression of leukemia inhibitory factor in human mesenchymal stem cells. J Biomat Tiss Eng 1:166-176, 2011.

Abstract Article

Gortazar AR, Martin-Millan M, Bravo B, Plotkin LI, Bellido T. Crosstalk between caveolin-1/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and β-catenin survival pathways in osteocyte mechanotransduction. J Biol Chem 288(12):8168-8175, 2013.  

Abstract Article

Grabias BM, Konstantopoulos K. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition and fibrosis are mutually exclusive reponses in shear-activated proximal tubular epithelial cells. FASEB J 26(10):4131-41, 2012.  

Abstract Article

Guan PP, Yu X, Guo JJ, Wang Y, Wang T, Li JY, Konstantopoulos K, Wang ZY, Wang P. By activating matrix metalloproteinase-7, shear stress promotes chondrosarcoma cell motility, invasion and lung colonization. Oncotarget 6(11):9140-59, 2015.

Abstract Article

Hamamura K, Zhang P, Zhao L, Shim JW, Chen A, Dodge TR, Wan Q, Shih H, Na S, Lin CC, Sun HB, Yokota H. Knee loading reduces MMP13 activity in the mouse cartilage. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 14(1):312, 2013.  

Abstract Article

Hosoya T, Maruyama A, Kang MI, Kawatani Y, Shibata T, Uchida K, Warabi E, Noguchi N, Itoh K, Yamamoto M. Differential responses of the Nrf2-Keap1 system to laminar and oscillatory shear stresses in endothelial cells. J Biol Chem 280(29):27244-27250, 2005.

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Jaitovich A, Mehta S, Na N, Ciechanover A, Goldman RD, Ridge KM. Ubiquitin-proteasome-mediated degradation of keratin intermediate filaments in mechanically stimulated A549 cells. J Biol Chem 283(37):25348-25355, 2008.  

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Kamel MA, Picconi JL, Lara-Castillo N, Johnson ML. Activation of β-catenin signaling in MLO-Y4 osteocytic cells versus 2T3 osteoblastic cells by fluid flow shear stress and PGE2: implications for the study of mechanosensation in bone. Bone 47(5):872-881, 2010.  

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Lee CY, Hsu HC, Zhang X, Wang DY, Luo ZP. Cyclic compression and tension regulate differently the metabolism of chondrocytes. J Musculoskeletal Res 9(2):59-64, 2005.

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Li M, Liu X, Zhang Y, Di M, Wang H, Wang L, Chen Y, Liu X, Cao X, Zeng R, Zhang Y, Zhang M. Upregulation of Dickkopf1 by oscillatory shear stress accelerates atherogenesis. J Mol Med (Berl) 94(4):43141, 2016.  

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Liao C, Cheng T, Wang S, Zhang C, Jin L, Yang Y. Shear stress inhibits IL-17A-mediated induction of osteoclastogenesis via osteocyte pathways. Bone 101:10-20, 2017.  

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Liu J, Bi X, Chen T, Zhang Q, Wang SX, Chiu JJ, Liu GS, Zhang Y, Bu P, Jiang F. Shear stress regulates endothelial cell autophagy via redox regulation and Sirt1 expression. Cell Death Dis 6:e1827, 2015.  

Abstract Article

Malone AM, Batra NN, Shivaram G, Kwon RY, You L, Kim CH, Rodriguez J, Jair K, Jacobs CR. The role of actin cytoskeleton in oscillatory fluid flow-induced signaling in MC3T3-E1 osteoblasts. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 292(5):C1830-C1836, 2007.

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Maycas M, Ardura JA, de Castro LF, Bravo B, Gortázar AR, Esbrit P. Role of the parathyroid hormone type 1 receptor (PTH1R) as a mechanosensor in osteocyte survival. J Bone Miner Res 30(7):1231-44, 2015.

Abstract Article

Maycas M, Bravo-Molina B, Fernández de Castro L, Pozuelo JM, Forriol F, P Esbrit, Rodríguez de Gortázar A. High glucose alters the antiapoptotic response to mechanical stimulation in MLO-Y4 osteocytic cells. Trauma Fund MAPFRE 25(2):97-100, 2014.

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Qi J, Chi L, Faber J, Koller B, Banes AJ. ATP reduces gel compaction in osteoblast-populated collagen gels. J Appl Physiol 102(3):1152-60, 2007.

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Radel C, Carlile-Klusacek M, Rizzo V. Participation of caveolae in beta1 integrin-mediated mechanotransduction. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 358(2):626-631, 2007.

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Radel C, Rizzo V. Integrin mechanotransduction stimulates caveolin-1 phosphorylation and recruitment of Csk to mediate actin reorganization. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 288(2):H936-H945, 2005.  

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Ridge KM, Linz L, Flitney FW, Kuczmarski ER, Chou YH, Omary MB, Sznajder JI, Goldman RD. Keratin 8 phosphorylation by protein kinase C ? regulates shear stress-mediated disassembly of keratin intermediate filaments in alveolar epithelial cells. J Biol Chem 280(34):30400-30405, 2005.

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Riehl BD, Lee JS, Ha L, Kwon IK, Lim JY. Flowtaxis of osteoblast migration under fluid shear and the effect of RhoA kinase silencing. PLoS One 12(2):e0171857, 2017.  

Abstract Article

Riehl BD, Lee JS, Ha L, Lim JY. Fluid-flow-induced mesenchymal stem cell migration: role of focal adhesion kinase and RhoA kinase sensors. J R Soc Interface 12(107), 2015. pii: 20150300.  

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Rosser J, Bonewald LF. Studying osteocyte function using the cell lines MLO-Y4 and MLO-A5. Methods Mol Biol 816:67-81, 2012.  

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Shim JW, Hamamura K, Chen A, Wan Q, Na S, Yokota H. Rac1 mediates load-driven attenuation of mRNA expression of nerve growth factor beta in cartilage and chondrocytes. J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact 13(3):372-9, 2013.

Abstract Article

Siu KL, Gao L, Cai H. Differential roles of /NOXO1 and NOX2/p47phox in mediating endothelial redox responses to oscillatory and unidirectional laminar shear stress. J Biol Chem 291(16):8653-62, 2016.  

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Sivaramakrishnan S, DeGiulio JV, Lorand L, Goldman RD, Ridge KM. Micromechanical properties of keratin intermediate filament networks. PNAS 105(3):889-894, 2008.

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Sivaramakrishnan S, Schneider JL, Sitikov A, Goldman RD, Ridge KM. Shear stress induced reorganization of the keratin intermediate filament network requires phosphorylation by protein kinase C zeta. Mol Biol Cell 20(11):2755-2765, 2009.  

Abstract Article

Spatz JM, Wein MN, Gooi JH, Qu Y, Garr JL, Liu S, Barry KJ, Uda Y, Lai F, Dedic C, Balcells-Camps M, Kronenberg HM, Babij P, Pajevic PD. The Wnt inhibitor sclerostin is up-regulated by mechanical unloading in osteocytes in vitro. J Biol Chem 290(27):16744-58, 2015.  

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Stachelek SJ, Alferiev I, Connolly JM, Sacks M, Hebbel RP, Bianco R, Levy RJ. Cholesterol-modified polyurethane valve cusps demonstrate blood outgrowth endothelial cell adhesion post-seeding in vitro and in vivo. Ann Thorac Surg 81(1):47-55, 2006.

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Sun HB, Liu Y, Qian L, Yokota H. Model-based analysis of matrix metalloproteinase expression under mechanical shear. Ann Biomed Eng 31(2):171-180, 2003.

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Takai E, Landesberg R, Katz RW, Hung CT, Guo XE. Substrate modulation of osteoblast adhesion strength, focal adhesion kinase activation, and responsiveness to mechanical stimuli. Mol Cell Biomech 3(1):1-12, 2006.

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Thaler JD, Achari Y, Lu T, Shrive NG, Hart DA. Estrogen receptor beta and truncated variants enhance the expression of transfected MMP-1 promoter constructs in response to specific mechanical loading. Biology of Sex Differences 5:14, 2014.

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Tran J, Magenau A, Rodriguez M, Rentero C, Royo T, Enrich C, Thomas SR, Grewal T, Gaus K. Activation of endothelial nitric oxide (eNOS) occurs through different membrane domains in endothelial cells. PLoS One 11(3):e0151556, 2016.  

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Wang XL, Fu A, Spiro C, Lee HC. Proteomic analysis of vascular endothelial cells-effects of laminar shear stress and high glucose. J Proteomics Bioinform 2:445, 2009.

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Wang P, Guan PP, Wang T, Yu X, Guo JJ, Konstantopoulos K, Wang ZY. Interleukin-1β and cyclic AMP mediate the invasion of sheared chondrosarcoma cells via a matrix metalloproteinase-1-dependent mechanism. Biochim Biophys Acta 1843(5):923-33, 2014.  

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Wang P, Zhu F, Konstantopoulos K. The antagonistic actions of endogenous interleukin-1β and 15-deoxyΔ12,14-prostaglandin J2 regulate the temporal synthesis of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in sheared chondrocytes. J Biol Chem 287(38):31877-93, 2012.  

Abstract Article

Wang P, Zhu F, Lee NH, Konstantopoulos K. Shear-induced interleukin-6 synthesis in chondrocytes: roles of E prostanoid (EP) 2 and EP3 in cAMP/protein kinase A- and PI3-K/Akt-dependent NF-kappaB activation. J Biol Chem 285(32):24793-24804, 2010.

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Yang B, Rizzo V. Shear stress activates eNOS at the endothelial apical surface through β1 containing integrins and caveolae. Cell Mol Bioeng 6(3):346-354, 2013.

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Zhang K, Barragan-Adjemian C, Ye L, Kotha S, Dallas M, Lu Y, Zhao S, Harris M, Harris SE, Feng JQ, Bonewald LF. E11/gp38 selective expression in osteocytes: regulation by mechanical strain and role in dendrite elongation. Mol Cell Biol 26(12):4539-45, 2006.

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Zhu F, Wang P, Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos A, Konstantopoulos K. Prostaglandin (PG)D(2) and 15deoxy-delta(12,14)-PGJ(2), but not PGE(2), mediate shear-induced chondrocyte apoptosis via protein kinase Adependent regulation of polo-like kinases. Cell Death Differ 17(8):1325-1334, 2010.

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Zhu F, Wang P, Lee NH, Goldring MB, Konstantopoulos K. Prolonged application of high fluid shear to chondrocytes recapitulates gene expression profiles associated with osteoarthritis. PLoS One 5(12):e15174, 2010.

Abstract Article


美國flexcell str-4000細(xì)胞流體剪切應(yīng)力加載培養(yǎng)系統(tǒng)介紹:

Streamer載片規(guī)格:25mm x 75mm x 1.0mm
Flexflow蓋片規(guī)格:25mm x 75mm x 0.2mm
●計(jì)算機(jī)控制的蠕動(dòng)泵可以調(diào)節(jié)切應(yīng)力的大小,從0-35 dynes/cm2


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