當前位置:北京博研科創(chuàng)生物技術有限公司>>美國NIST標準品>> 1894a美國NIST標準品 SRM標準物質PCBs in River Sediment
1893 Copper Microhardness Test Block (Knoop)銅的顯微硬度塊(努) each
1894a Vickers Microhardness of Copper銅的維氏顯微硬度 each
1895 Nickel Microhardness Test Block (Knoop)鎳硬度塊(努) each
1896b Vickers Microhardness of Nickel鎳的維氏顯微硬度 each
1898 Titanium Dioxide Nanomaterial二氧化鈦納米材料 15g
1900 Specific Surface Area Standard比表面積標準 4g
1905 Nickel Microhardness Test Block (Knoop)鎳顯微硬度測試塊(努) each
1906 Nickel Microhardness Test Block (Knoop)鎳顯微硬度測試塊(努) each
1907 Nickel Microhardness Test Block (Knoop)鎳顯微硬度測試塊(努) each
1908 Vickers Microhardness of Nickel鎳的維氏顯微硬度 each
1909 Vickers Microhardness of Nickel鎳的維氏顯微硬度 each
1917 Mercury Porosimetry Standard壓汞法標準 10g
1918 Mercury Porosimeter Intrusion Standard壓汞儀入侵標準 12g
1921b IR Transmission Wavelength (Polystyrene Film)紅外透射波長(聚苯乙烯膜) 1 card
1922 Liquid Refractive Index - Mineral Oil液體折射率-礦物油 30mL
1932 Fluorescein Solution熒光素溶液 3 x 2mL
1939a PCBs in River Sediment A河流沉積物中的多氯聯(lián)苯 50g
1941b Organics in Marine Sediment海洋沉積物中的有機物 50g
1944 New York/New Jersey Waterway Sediment 紐約/新澤西航道泥沙 50g
1945 Organics in Whale Blubber鯨脂中有機物 2x15 g
1946 Lake Superior Fish Tissue湖上魚組織 5 x 7-9grams
1947 Lake Michigan Fish Tissue密歇根魚組織 5 x 8grams
1950 Metabolites in Human Plasma血漿中的代謝物 5 x 1mL
1951c Lipids in Frozen Human Serum冷凍人血清中的脂類 4 vials (2 each conc)
1952a Cholesterol in Freeze-Dried Human Serum冷凍干燥人血清中膽固醇 set (6) (2 each conc)
1953 Organic Contaminants in Non-Fortified Human非強化人類中的有機污染物 Milk 5 vials x 5mL
1954 Organic Contaminants in Fortified Human Milk強化人體乳中的有機污染物 5 vials x 5mL
1955 Homocysteine and Folate in Frozen Human Serum凍人血清中同型半胱氨酸和葉酸 set (3) (1 each conc)
1957 Organic Contaminants in Non-Fortified Human Serum非強化人類血清中的有機污染物 5 x 10mL
1958 Organic Contaminants in Fortified Human Serum強化人血清中的有機污染物 5 x 10mL
1959 Drugs of Abuse in Frozen Human Serum冷凍人血清中濫用藥物 2 x 5mL
1961 Polystyrene Spheres (30 μm Diameter Particle Size)聚苯乙烯微球(30μm粒徑) 5mL
1963a Nominal 100 nm Diameter Polystyrene Spheres聚苯乙烯微球(100納米粒徑) 5mL
1964 Nominal 60 nm Diameter Polystyrene Spheres聚苯乙烯微球(60納米粒徑) 5mL
1965 Polystyrene Spheres (on Slide) (10 μm Particle Size)聚苯乙烯微球(上滑動)(10μm粒徑) slide
1968 Gallium Melting Point鎵熔點 each
1969 Rubidium Triple Point銣三點 each
1970 Succinonitrile Triple Point丁二腈三點 each
1971 Indium Freezing-Point銦凝固點 each
1972 1,3-Dioxolan-2-one Triple Point 1,3-二氧戊環(huán)-2-one三點 60g
1974c Organics in Mussel Tissue, (Mytilus edulis)貽貝(紫貽貝)組織的有機物 5 jars x 10g
1975 Diesel Particulate Extract柴油微粒提取物 4x1.2 mL
1976b Instrument Response Std for X-Ray Powder DiffractionX射線粉末衍射儀響應性標準 1 disc
1978 Zirconium Oxide (Particle Size)氧化鋯(粒度) 5g
1980 Positive Electrophoretic (+μE) Mobility Standard正電泳(2+)流動性標準 500mg/L
1982 Zirconia Thermal Spray Powder - Particle Size Distribution氧化鋯熱噴涂粉粒度分布 1g
1984 Thermal Spray Powder - Particle Size Distribution Tungsten Carbide/Cobalt (Acicular)熱噴涂粉末的粒度分布的碳化鎢/鈷(針狀) 14g
1985 Thermal Spray Powder - Particle Size Distribution Tungsten Carbide/Cobalt (Spheroidal)熱噴涂粉末的粒度分布的碳化鎢/鈷(球) 14g
1990 Single Crystal Diffractometer Alignment Standard - Ruby Sphere單晶衍射儀校準標準-紅寶石球 3 spheres
1991 Mix Coal Tar/Petroleum Extract in Methylene Chloride混合煤焦油/石油醚提取物 5 ampoules x 1.2mL
1994 Standard Silicon Single Crystal Wafer for Crystalline Orientation晶體取向的標準硅單晶片 100-mm wafer
1995 Standard Sapphire Single Crystal Wafer for Crystalline Orientation晶體取向的標準藍寶石單晶片 50-mm wafer
2000 Calibration Standard for High-Resolution X-Ray Diffraction高分辨X射線衍射儀的校準標準 1 block
2012 Calibration Standard for High Resolution X Ray Diffraction高分辨X射線衍射儀的校準標準 wafer
2031b Metal-on-Fused-Silica Neutral Density Filters (250nm-635nm)熔石英中性密度過濾器金屬(250nm-635nm) set (3)
2035a Ultraviolet-Visible-Near-Infrared Wavelength/Wavenumber Transmission Standard紫外-可見-近紅外波長或波數(shù)傳輸標準 each
2036 Near Infrared Wavelength/Wavenumber Reflection Standard近紅外波長或波數(shù)反射標準 each
2061 Ti Alloy, Al-Nb-W鈦合金, Al-Nb-W cube
2066 K-411 Glass Microspheres k-411玻璃微球 50mg
2073a Sinusoidal Roughness Specimen正弦粗糙度試樣 each
2074 Sinusoidal Roughness Specimen正弦粗糙度試樣 each
2075 Sinusoidal Roughness Specimen正弦粗糙度試樣 each
2087 Dimensional Standard for Medical Computed Tomography醫(yī)學計算機斷層掃描的尺寸標準 each
2088 Density Standard for Medical Computed Tomography five foam醫(yī)用計算機斷層掃描五泡沫密度的標準 blocks
2092 Low-Energy Charpy V-Notch Impact Specimen (NIST-Verification)低能量的夏比V型缺口沖擊試樣(NIST驗證) set
2093 Low Energy Charpy V-Notch Impact Specimen (Self- Verification)低能量的夏比V型缺口沖擊試樣(自我驗證) set
2096 High-Energy Charpy V-Notch Impact Specimen (NIST-Verification)高能量的夏比V型缺口沖擊試樣(NIST驗證) set
2097 High Energy Charpy V Notch Impact Specimen (Self-Verification)高能量的夏比V型缺口沖擊試樣(自我驗證) set
2112 Dynamic Impact Force Verific Specimens (Nominal 24kN)動力沖擊力檢驗標本(Nominal 24kN) set
2113 Dynamic Impact Force Verific, Specimens (Nominal 33kN) 動力沖擊力檢驗標本(Nominal 33kN) set
2133 Phosphorus Implant in Si Depth Profile硅深度剖面中磷的值入 each
2134 Arsenic Implant in Silicon Depth Profile Standard硅深剖面標準中砷的植入 each
2135c Ni/Cr Thin Film Depth Profile鎳/鉻薄膜深度剖面 each
2137 Boron Implant in Silicon Standard for Calibration of Concentration in a Depth Profile一種深度剖面濃度校正的硼硅標準 each
2139 Zinc-Aluminum Alloy鋅鋁合金 100g
2141 Urea尿素 2g
2143 p-Fluorobenzoic Acid對氟苯甲酸 2g
2144 m-Chlorobenzoic Acid間氯苯甲酸 2g
2151 Nicotinic Acid (Combustion Calorimetric Standard)煙酸(燃燒量熱標準) 25g
2152 Urea (Combustion Calorimetric Standard)尿素(燃燒量熱標準) 25g
2159 LA Steel, Carbon & Sulfur only鑭鋼,碳和硫 200g
2160 LA Steel, Carbon & Sulfur only鑭鋼,碳和硫 200g
2165 Low Alloy Steel低合金鋼 150g
2166 LA Steel, F拉鋼, F 150g
2167 LA Steel, G拉鋼,G 150g
2168 High Purity Iron高純度鐵 150g
2171 LA Steel, (HSLA 100)拉鋼(低合金高強度100) 150g
2172 S-7 Tool SteelS-7工具鋼 150g
2175 Refractory Alloy MP-35-Nmp-35-n耐火合金 150g
2181 HEPES Free AcidHEPES游離酸 60g
2182 NaHEPESate 60g
2183 MOPSO Free Acid 50g
2184 NaMOPSOate 50g
2185 Pot. Hydrogen Phthalate Pot.鄰苯二甲酸酯 60g
2186i Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate磷酸二氫鉀 30g
2186II Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate磷酸氫二鈉 30g
2191a Sodium Bicarbonate 30g
2192a Sodium Carbonate 30g
2193a Calcium Carbonate pH Standard碳酸鈣標準 30g
2201 Sodium Chloride (Ion-Selective)氯化鈉(離子選擇性) 125g
2203 Potassium Fluoride (Ion-Selective Electrodes)氟化鉀(離子選擇性電極) 125g
2206 Controlled Pore Glass - BET Specific Surface Area (300 nm)可控孔徑玻璃-特定的表面積(300納米) 5g
2207 Controlled Pore Glass - BET Specific Surface Area (Nominal Pore Diameter 18 nm)可控孔徑玻璃-特定的表面積(18納米) 5g
2214 Isooctane Liquid Density異辛烷液密度 4x5 mL
2216 Miniaturized Low Energy Charpy, V Notch KLST Impact Specimen set
2218 Miniaturized Hi Energy Charpy, V Notch KLST Impact Specimen set
2219 Miniaturized Super High Energy, Charpy VNotch KLST Impact Spec set
2225 Mercury (Differential Scanning Calorimeters)汞(差示掃描量熱儀) 2.5g
2232 Indium DSC Calibration Standard - Temperature and Enthalpy of Fusion銦DSC校準標準-熔融溫度和熱化焓 1g
2234 Gallium for Thermal Analysis熱分析鎵 2g
2235 Bismuth for Thermal Analysis熱分析鉍 1.5g
2241 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 785 nm Excitation拉曼光譜相對強度校正標準:785納米激發(fā) each
2242 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 532 nm Excitation拉曼光譜相對強度校正標準:532納米激發(fā) each
2245 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 633 nm Excitation拉曼光譜相對強度校正標準:633納米激發(fā) each
2246 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 830 nm Excitation拉曼光譜相對強度校正標準:830納米激發(fā) each