GSR Ventiltechnik GmbH & Co. KG●Postfach 1679●D-32590 Vlotho
Price adjustment on 1st January 2023
Dear Sir / Madam
As a long-standing partner for high-quality valve technology, we want to be able to meet your expectations
in terms of quality, punctuality and flexibility in the future as well.
Shortages of raw materials, supply uncertainties and unpredictable price developments have presented our
industry with major challenges in recent times and there is unfortunately no sign of the overall situation
calming down. The trend of soaring raw material, freight and energy prices will continue. In addition, wage
costs are expected to rise as a result of the current wage settlements.
We can no longer compensate for these unforeseeable price jumps on our own. However, through strict
cost management and the consistent implementation of production optimisations, we have succeeded in
not having to raise prices in the double-digit range, as some other suppliers have done. As of 1st January
2023, we will adjust our prices by 8.9%.
The current prices will remain valid for orders received by 315t December 2022 and delivered by 31st March
2023 latest. Orders placed after 1st January 2023 can only be confirmed with adjusted prices.
Unless otherwise agreed with you, existing blanket orders will remain valid and will not be affected by the
adjustment for the time being.
We regret this step, but we are sure that it is in your interest to have GSR as a strong and reliable partner
at your side in the future. Therefore, we thank you for your understanding and look forward to a continued
partnership in the coming year.
With kind regards