Alpco 80-CPTHU-E01.1 C-Peptide ELISA | 人C肽酶免試劑盒,96 wells
Alpco 80-CPTHU-E01.1 C-Peptide ELISA,人C肽酶免試劑盒,96 well,產(chǎn)品簡介:
英文名稱:Alpco 80-CPTHU-E01.1 C-Peptide ELISA
產(chǎn)品規(guī)格:96 well
Alpco 80-CPTHU-E01.1 C-Peptide ELISA,人C肽酶免試劑盒,96 well,產(chǎn)品說明檢測原理:
ALPCO C-肽ELISA是一個夾層式免疫檢測試劑盒。96孔微孔板涂有一層C-肽特異性單克隆抗體。將標準物,對照品和樣品一并添加到微型板小孔中與檢測緩沖液混合。然后將微孔板放在搖床上室溫溫育1小時,700-900轉(zhuǎn)/分鐘。*次溫育結束,用清洗緩沖液清洗小孔并烘干。添加結合物(配制方法參照說明書),微孔板放在搖床上第二次室溫溫育1小時,700-900轉(zhuǎn)/分鐘。添加TMB作用底物,放在微孔板搖床上室溫溫育15分鐘,700-900轉(zhuǎn)/分鐘。第三次溫育結束,添加反應終止液,調(diào)節(jié)分光光度計到450nm測定OD值。由于發(fā)光強度與樣品中C-肽含量成比例,因此可以根據(jù)OD值確定C-肽含量。
§ 檢測過程:各添加25μl標準物,對照物和樣品→加50µl檢測緩沖液→微孔板搖床室溫溫育1小時,700-900rpm→清洗緩沖液清洗6次→加100µl結合物(配制方法參照說明書)→微孔板搖床室溫溫育1小時,700-900rpm→清洗緩沖液清洗6次→添加100µl TMB作用底物→微孔板搖床室溫溫育15分鐘,700-900rpm→添加100µl反應終止液→分光光度計450nm讀數(shù)
ALPCO C-peptide ELISA kit英文簡述:
The ALPCO C-peptide ELISA kit is a FDA registered in vitro diagnostic tool for the quantification of human C-peptide in a clinical setting or research laboratory. Utilizing a dual-monoclonal antibody sandwich ELISA format, bi-level control set, and 96-well microplate comprising removable strips, a single C-peptide ELISA kit has the performance characteristics and flexibility necessary to confidently measure up to 40 samples in duplicate. The shelf-life of the components of the C-Peptide ELISA and the resealable microplate pouch allow for convenient storage for future use if the entire kit is not needed at one time.
INTENDED USE:The ALPCO C-peptide ELISA is designed for the quantitative determination of C-peptide in human serum and plasma.
PRINCIPLE OF THE ASSAY:The ALPCO C-peptide ELISA is a sandwich type immunoassay. The 96-well microplate is coated with a monoclonal antibody specific for C-peptide. The standards, controls, and samples are added to the microplate wells with the Assay Buffer. The microplate is then incubated at room temperature on a microplate shaker at 700-900 rpm. After the first incubation is complete, the wells are washed with Wash Buffer and blotted dry. The Conjugate is then added, and the microplate is incubated a second time on a microplate shaker at 700-900 rpm, washed, and blotted dry. TMB Substrate is added, and the microplate is incubated a third time at room temperature on a microplate shaker at 700-900 rpm. Once the third incubation is complete, Stop Solution is added, and the optical density (OD) is measured by a spectrophotometer at 450 nm. The intensity of the color generated is directly proportional to the amount of C-peptide in the sample.
產(chǎn)品名稱 | 貨號 | 樣本容量 | 規(guī)格 |
Insulin ELISA | 80-INSHU-E01 | 25µl | 96T/盒 |
Insulin Ultrasensitive ELISA | 80-INSHUU-E01 | 25µl | 96T/盒 |
Insulin (Synthetic) ELISA | 80-SINHU-E01 | 25µl | 96T/盒 |
Insulin (Mouse) ELISA | 80-INSMS-E01 | 10µl | 96T/盒 |
Insulin (Mouse) High Range ELISA | 80-INSMSH-E01 | 5µl | 96T/盒 |
Insulin (Mouse) Ultrasensitive ELISA(5µl) | 80-INSMSU-E01 | 5µl | 96T/盒 |
Insulin (Mouse) Ultrasensitive ELISA(25µl) | 80-INSMSU-E01 | 25µl | 96T/盒 |
Insulin (Rat) ELISA | 80-INSRT-E01 | 10µl | 96T/盒 |
Insulin (Rat) High Range ELISA | 80-INSRTH-E01 | 5µl | 96T/盒 |
Insulin (Rat) Ultrasensitive ELISA(5µl) | 80-INSRTU-E01 | 5µl | 96T/盒 |
Insulin (Rat) Ultrasensitive ELISA(25µl) | 80-INSRTU-E01 | 25µl | 96T/盒 |
Insulin (Bovine) ELISA | 80-INSBO-E01 | 25µl | 96T/盒 |
Insulin (Ovine) ELISA | 80-INSOV-E01 | 25µl | 96T/盒 |
Insulin (Porcine/Canine) ELISA | 80-INSPO-E01 | 25µl | 96T/盒 |
C-Peptide ELISA | 80-CPTHU-E01.1 | 25µl | 96T/盒 |
C-Peptide (Mouse) ELISA | 80-CPTMS-E01 | 10µl | 96T/盒 |
C-Peptide (Rat) ELISA | 80-CPTRT-E01 | 10µl | 96T/盒 |
Proinsulin (Mouse) ELISA | 80-PINMS-E01 | 10µl | 96T/盒 |
Proinsulin ELISA | 80-PINHU-E01 | 50µl | 96T/盒 |
Proinsulin (Rat) ELISA | 80-PINRT-E01 | 10µl | 96T/盒 |
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