Moregate BSA選擇指南
檢測指標 | 檢測方法 | BSA的種類 | |||||
pH7 試劑級 | pH5 試劑級 | 低脂 肪酸級 | 低IgG級 | 低內毒 素級 | 低蛋白 酶級 | ||
Total Free Fatty Acids | W0.1% | ||||||
IgG | w 100 卩 g/g | ||||||
Protease Activity | w 0.0005 PU/mg | ||||||
Endotoxin | w1.0IU/mg | ||||||
pH | pH meter | 6.5-72 | 4.8-52 | 6.5-72 | 6.5-72 | 6.5-7.2 | 6.5-72 |
Albumin | Gel Electrophoresis | N 98% | |||||
Protein (N%x6.25) | Kjeldahl (dry basis) | N 96% | |||||
Moisture Content | Oven Moisture Content | W 5.0% | |||||
Chloride | Coulometric | W 0.15% | |||||
Calcium | ICP-OES | W 0.05% | |||||
Iron | ICP-OES | W 0.001% | |||||
Magnesium | ICP-OES | W 0.005% | |||||
Phosphorus, inorganic | Colourimetric | W 0.005% | |||||
Potassium | ICP-OES | W 0.015% | |||||
Sodium | ICP-OES | W 0.8% | |||||
Lead | ICP-OES | W 0.003% | |||||
Ash Content | Gravimetric | W 2.5% | |||||
Optical Density | Abs 405nm at 60mg/ml sol | W 0.2 | |||||
Solubility | 60mg/ml sol. | Soluble | |||||
Bioburden | Heterotrophic Colony count - pour plate | w | 100CFU/g | ||||
STABILITY: | Stable for a minimum of 5 years under correct storage conditions | ||||||
STORAGE: | Store in sealed containers with a 15and20°C | desiccant under dry conditions between | |||||
Moregate BSA訂購信息
貨號 | 品名 | 規(guī)格 | 來源 |
BSA7 | pH7試劑級 | 1kg | 澳大利亞/新西蘭 |
BSA5 | pH5試劑級 | 1kg | 澳大利亞/新西蘭 |
BSALF | 低脂肪酸級 | 1kg | 澳大利亞/新西蘭 |
BSALI | 低IgG級 | 1kg | 澳大利亞/新西蘭 |
BSALP | 低內毒素級 | 1kg | 澳大利亞/新西蘭 |
BSALE | 低蛋白酶級 | 1kg | 澳大利亞/新西蘭 |
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