常用的報告基因包括:lacZ、Egfp 、zsGreen、EYFP、DsRed (DsRed2)、mRFP、mCherry、HuCD2、Thy1.1、HA tag、FLAG tag、Luciferase等。zsGreen和EGFP, EYFP都是綠色熒光。EGFP和EYFP很難區(qū)分開。zsGreen是一個比較穩(wěn)定的綠色熒光蛋白。DsRed和TdTomato都是紅色熒光。TdTomato是一個信號非常強的熒光蛋白,對細胞/小鼠也沒有明顯的毒性。mRFP和mCherry是兩個非常好的熒光蛋白,需要530nm的激發(fā)光,所以可以用LUYOR-3415RG熒光蛋白觀察燈激發(fā),能夠用肉眼觀察到熒光蛋白在小鼠上的表達。
sfGFP--Superfolder GFP
Molecular engineering of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) into a robust and stable variant named Superfolder GFP (sfGFP) has revolutionized the field of biosensor development and the use of fluorescent markers in diverse area of biology. sfGFP-based self-associating bipartite split-FP systems have been widely exploited to monitor soluble expression in vitro, localization, and trafficking of proteins in cellulo. A more recent class of split-FP variants, named ? tripartite ? split-FP, that rely on the self-assembly of three GFP fragments, is particularly well suited for the detection of protein-protein interactions. In this review, we describe the different steps and evolutions that have led to the diversification of superfolder and split-FP reporter systems, and we report an update of their applications in various areas of biology, from structural biology to cell biology.
What is Superfolder GFP?
Superfolder GFP is a basic (constitutively fluorescent) green fluorescent protein published in 2005, derived from Aequorea victoria. It is reported to be a very rapidly-maturing weak dimer. +.
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