Abstract:With the development power industry,the requirements for the safety and reliability of equipment are getting higher and higher.In this situation,ACREL wireless temperature monitoring system is designed for high voltage device.This technology is to install the temperature sensor with built-in battery or temperature sensor by current sensing and wireless transmitter module at each temperature measurement point. The sensor periodically sends the temperature measurement data wireless to the receiving unit, and the receiving unit can be connected to the network to send the data to the master station, thereby realizing electrical temperature monitoring of a regional system.
Keywords:Wireless temperature sensor,wireless temperature monitoring system,470Mhz wireless temperature sensor
Project Overview
法國公司Chauvin位于法國ANTONY Cedex,該項目用在南非某變電站上,用了2個無線收發(fā)器ATC450-C,幾十個無線測溫傳感器,型號包含ATE400以及ATE100.
Chauvin is located in ANTONY Cedex,F(xiàn)rance. the project is mainly used in substation in the substation in South Africa.The related products models are 2 PCS ATC450-C,dozens of wireless temperature sensors including model ATE400 and ATE100.
Wireless temperature monitoring device Introduction
Acrel on-line temperature measurement device is suitable for the temperature detection of high and low voltage switches, circuit breaker contacts, high voltage cable middle heads, low voltage and high current equipment, to prevent contact caused by oxidation, loosening and other factors during operation Excessive contact resistance and heat generation become a safety hazard, timely, continuous and accurate reflection of equipment operating status, and equipment safety.
Wireless temperature monitoring solution
2.1 測溫傳感器
2.1 Wireless temperature sensor
2.1.1 CT感應取電無線測溫傳感器
2.1.1 Wireless temperature sensor by CT sensing
1) ATE400
Small size;
Wireless transmit;
Wireless transmission distance, 150 meters;
Fase sampling frequency,15s;
CT-powered,more than 5A starting current;
Widely temperature measuring range, -40℃~125℃.
2.1.2 Wireless temperature sensor powered by battery
1) ATE200
Wireless transmit;
Wireless transmission distance, 150m;
Fase sampling frequency,25s;
Battery -powered,more than 5 years;
Widely temperature measuring range, -40℃~125℃.
2) ATE100
Wireless transmit;
Wireless transmission distance, 150m;
Fase sampling frequency,25s;
Battery -powered,more than 5 years;
Widely temperature measuring range, -40℃~125℃.
3) ATE100M
Wireless transmit;
Wireless transmission distance, 150m;
Fase sampling frequency,25s;
Battery -powered,more than 5 years;
Widely temperature measuring range, -40℃~125℃.
2.2 采集/顯示終端
2.2 Receiver/Display Unit
2.2.1 接收單元
2.2.1 Receiver
Wireless transceiver;
Maximum measuring 240 points;
1 RS485 serial communication, Modbus-RTU;
2 alarm relays;
Power supply adapt with AC/DC220V,AC/DC110V.
Wireless transceiver;
Maximum measuring 60 points;
1 RS485 serial communication, Modbus-RTU;
Power supply adapt with DC24V
2.2.2 顯示單元
2.2.2 Display Unit
1) ARTM-Pn
Wireless temperature measurement, maximum measuring 60 points;
U, I, P, Q, f, Ep, Eq measurement;
4 digital inputs;
2 alarm relays;
LCD display;
Power supply adapt with AC220V, DC220V, DC110V, AC110V;
1 RS485 serial communication, Modbus-RTU.
Typical Solution
On site Photos
編輯:安科瑞 孫斌
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