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來源:北京萊艾特科技發(fā)展有限公司   2023年11月14日 10:09  






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Mouse Anesthesia: The Art and Science(點擊標(biāo)題查看原文)

Abstract:There is an art and science to performing mouse anesthesia, which is a significant component to animal research.Frequently, anesthesia is one vital step of many over the course of a research project spanning weeks, months, or beyond. It is critical to perform anesthesia according to the approved research protocol using appropriately handled and administered pharmaceutical-grade compounds whenever possible. Sufficient documentation of the anesthetic event and procedure should also be performed to meet the legal, ethical, and research reproducibility obligations. However, this regulatory and documentation process may lead to the use of a few possibly oversimplified anesthetic protocols used for mouse procedures and anesthesia. Although a frequently used anesthetic protocol may work perfectly for each mouse anesthetized, sometimes unexpected complications will arise, and quick adjustments to the anesthetic depth and support provided will be required. As an old saying goes, anesthesia is 99% boredom and 1% sheer terror. The purpose of this review article is to discuss the science of mouse anesthesia together with the art of applying these anesthetic techniques to provide readers with the knowledge needed for successful anesthetic procedures. The authors include experiences in mouse inhalant and injectable anesthesia, peri-anesthetic monitoring, specific procedures, and treating common complications. This article utilizes key points for easy access of important messages and authors’ recommendation based

on the authors’ clinical experiences.

Key words anesthesia, animal research, animal welfare, Mus musculus, refinement

Sleep-Time Variation for Ethanol and the Hypnotic Drugs Tribromoethanol, Urethane, Pentobarbital, and Propofol within Outbred ICR Mic(點擊標(biāo)題查看原文)

AbstractTo evaluate the phenotypic variation within a commercial outbred mouse stock, we examined sleep-time (or duration of loss of righting reflex) of outbred ICA mice after i.p. injectlon of ethanol (4.0 g/kg of body weight), urethane (1.3 g), tribromoethanol (250 mg), and pentobarbital (60 mg), and after i.v. injection of propofol (30 mg). We observed high-grade individual differences in sleep-time that ranged from 0 to 179 min,83.1  4.3 (mean and SEM of 100 mice) for ethanol: 0 to 169 min, 64.5 + 3.1 for pentobarbital; 0 to 160 min, 36.6  3.6 for urethane; 0 to 120 min, 21.5  2.2 for tribromoethanol: and 3 to 20.5 min, 7.1  0.3 for propofol. This extensive phenotypic variance within the outbred stock was as great as the variation reported among inbred strains or selected lines, and the varied susceptibility within the colony was inherited by Jcl:ICR-derived inbred strains IAl, ICT, IPl, and IQ1. The range of sleep-time variance for ethanol, pentobarbital, urethane, tribromoethanol, and propofol within four-way cross hybrid Jcl:MCH(ICR) mice was 86.6%, 63.3%,124%, 61.0%, and 53.1% that of outbred Jcl:ICR mice, respectively. The present study indicates that phenotypic variance within an outbred Jcl:ICR stock was at high risk for susceptibility to the drugs that depress the central nervous system and that Jcl:/CA-derived inbreds may be an excellent source of animal models for studying the anesthesia gene.

Key words  hypnotic sleep, ICR-derived inbred strain, outbred ICR mice

The effects of anesthesia on measures of nerve conduction velocity in male C57Bl6/J mice(點擊標(biāo)題查看原文)

Abstract:Animal models,particularly mice,are used extensively to investigate neurological diseases. Basic research regarding animal models of human neurological disease requires that the animals exhibit hall mark characteristics of the disease. These include disease specific anatomical, metabolic and behavioral changes.Nerve conduction velocity (NCV) is the predominant method used to assess peripheral nerve health. Normative data adjusted for age, gender and height is available for human patients; however, these data arenot available for most rodents including mice. NCV may be affected by animal age and size, body temperature, stimulus strength and anesthesia. While the effects of temperature, age and size are documented,the direct and indirect effects of anesthesia on NCV are not well reported. Our laboratory is primarily concernedwithanimalmodelsofdiabeticneuropathy(DN)andusesNCVtoconfirmthepresenceofneu-ropathy. To ensure that subtle changes in NCV are reliably assayed and not directly or indirectly affected by anesthesia, we compared the effects of 4 commonly used anesthetics, isoflurane, ketamine/xylazine,sodiumpentobarbitaland2-2-2tribromoethanolonNCVinacommonlyusedrodentmodel,theC57Bl6/J mouse. Our results indicate that of the anesthetics tested, isoflurane has minimal impact on NCV and is the safest, most effective method of anesthesia. Our data strongly suggest that isoflurane should become.

the anesthetic of choice when performing NCV on murine models of neurological disease.

Key words Sciatic nerve,Sural nerve,Isoflurane,2-2-2 Tribromoethanol,Surface temperature.

Anesthetic Effects of Tribromoethanol on Mice(點擊標(biāo)題查看原文)

Abstract:To study anesthetic effects of tribromoethanol on mice , the tribromoethanol were processed intraperitoncal injection with five groups of different dose gradients ( 200 、 350 、 500 、 800 and 1 000 mg/kg ) respectively , and then the anesthesia onset time and duration time were compared. Results showed that the tribromoethanon at dosage of 200 mg/kg showed the worst anesthesia effect , the mice were unanesthetized and kept moving ; intraperitoncal injection of tribromoethanol at dosage of 350~800 mg/kg had moderate anesthesia duration and adequate anesthesia depth , which were suitable anesthesia for mice. 

Key words : tribromoethanol;anesthetic;mice;effect


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