Eton Bioscience 代謝檢測試劑盒、ELISA試劑盒-相關技術文章
Eton Bioscience 代謝檢測試劑盒、ELISA試劑盒
Eton Bioscience公司的技術領域:
代謝是所有生命形式的重要過程,在生理學、細胞學和醫(yī)學等領域起著非常關鍵的作用。許多人類疾病,如癌癥、糖尿病、肥胖癥、神經系統(tǒng)退變性疾病和各種心血管疾病等逐漸被發(fā)現與新陳代謝有關。近年來,代謝相關的研究也在逐漸增加,那么與代謝密切相關的代謝產物無疑成為人們研究的熱點。代謝產物是基因表達的最終產物,在體內通過新陳代謝生成。雖然與基因或蛋白質相比,代謝產物較小,但是不能小看代謝產物在科研領域的重要性。ETON Bioscience公司的代謝檢測試劑盒為測定血清、血漿、細胞培養(yǎng)基等生物樣品中的葡萄糖、乳酸等提供了一種簡便可靠的方法。
在ETON Bioscience,每種代謝檢測試劑盒均有相關的產品引用文獻的檢索
Eton Bioscience公司的熱銷產品
產品名稱 | 貨號 | 規(guī)格 |
L-Lactate Assay Kit I -200 Assays | 1200012002 | 10ml-200 assays |
L-Lactate Assay Kit I -100 Assays | 1200011002 | 5ml- 100 assays |
Glucose Assay Kit II-100 Assays | 1200071002 | 100 assays |
L-Lactate Assay Kit I-100 Assays w/Reader Plate (1x) | 120001100P | 5ml-100 assays with 1 flat bottpm reader plate |
Glucose Assay Kit I-200 Assays | 1200032002 | 10ml-200 assays |
L-Lactate Assay Kit I -200 Assays w/ Reader Plates(2x) | 120001200P | 10ml-200 assays with 2 flat bottpm reader plate |
L-Lactate Assay Kit I -400 Assays | 1200014002 | 20ml-400 assays |
L-Lactate Assay Kit II-100 Assays | 1200051002 | 100 assays |
D-Lactate Assay Kit -100 Assays | 1200021002 | 5ml- 100 assays |
Glucose Assay Kit I-100 Assays | 1200031002 | 5ml- 100 assays |
Sorafenib Tosylate ≥99% | 1100200013 | 1g |
L-Lactate Assay Kit I -200 assays- Assay Solution ONLY | 120001200A | 10ml-200 assays- Assay Solution ONLY |
L-Lactate Assay Kit II-100 Assays w/Reader Plate (1x) | 120005100P | 100 assays with 1 flat bottpm reader plate |
Glucose Assay Kit I-400 Assays | 1200034002 | 20ml-400 assays |
Galactose Assay Kit-100 Assays | 1200091002 | 100 assays |
Imatinib Mesylate ≥99% | 1100175002 | 500mg |
L-Lactate Assay Kit I100 assays- Assay Solution ONLY | 120001100A | 5ml- 100 assays- Assay Solution ONLY |
D-Lactate Assay Kit -100 Assaysw/Reader Plate (1x) | 120002100P | 5ml-100 assays with 1 flat bottpm reader plate |
Glucose Assay Kit I -100 Assays w/Reader Plate(1x) | 120003100P | 5ml-100 assays with 1 flat bottpm reader plate |
Glucose Assay kit I -200 Assaysw/Reader Plates(2x) | 120003200P | 10ml-200 assays with 2 flat bottpm reader plate |
Glucose Assay Kit II-100 Assays w/Reader Plate(1x) | 120007100P | 100 assays with 1 flat bottpm reader plate |
D-Lactate Assay Kit -200 Assays | 1200022002 | 10ml-200 assays |
Pyruvate Assay Kit-100 Assays | 1200041002 | 100 assays |
D-Lactate Assay Kit -400 Assays | 1200024002 | 20ml-400 assays |
L-Lactate Assay Kit II-200 Assays | 1200052002 | 200 assays |
GB88 | 2300100052 | 5mg |
GB88 | 2300100102 | 10mg |
GB88 | 2300100502 | 50mg |
GB88 | 2300101002 | 100mg |
GB88 | 2300102502 | 250mg |
GB88 | 2300105002 | 500mg |
GB88 | 2300100013 | 1g |
7-alpha, 25-dihydroxycholesterol | 2300070012 | 1mg |
Rapamycin >99% | 1100010012 | 1mg |
7-alpha, 25-dihydroxycholesterol | 2300070013 | 1g |
Rapamycin >99% | 1100010052 | 5mg |
7-alpha, 25-dihydroxycholesterol | 2300070023 | 2g |
Rapamycin >99% | 1100010102 | 10mg |
7-alpha, 25-dihydroxycholesterol | 2300070033 | 3g |
Cyclosporin D >99% | 1100040012 | 1mg |
7-alpha, 25-dihydroxycholesterol | 2300070052 | 5mg |
Cyclosporin D >99% | 1100040052 | 5mg |
7-alpha, 25-dihydroxycholesterol | 2300070102 | 10mg |
FK506>95% | 1100060012 | 1mg |
7-alpha, 25-dihydroxycholesterol | 2300071002 | 100mg |
FK506 >95% | 1100060052 | 5mg |
7-alpha, 25-dihydroxycholesterol | 2300072002 | 200mg |
FK506 >95% | 1100060102 | 10mg |
Dasatinib ≥99% | 1100140013 | 1g |
Dasatinib ≥99% | 1100140023 | 2g |
TurboLigation Kit 100 反應 | 8000011001 | 100次反應 |
TurboLigation Kit 500 反應 | 8000011005 | 500次反應 |
Glucose Assay Kit I (5ml)-100 Assays w/Reader Plate(1x) | 120003100P | (5ml) - 100 assays w/Reader Plate (1x) |
Glucose Assay Kit I (5 ml)-100 Assays- Assay Solution ONLY | 120003100A | (5 ml)-100 Assays- Assay Solution ONLY |
Glucose Assay Kit I (5 ml) -100 Assays | 1200031002 | (5 ml) -100 Assays |
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