Clodronate Liposomes氯膦酸鹽脂質體清除巨噬細胞骨肉瘤模型腫瘤免疫研究
Chemotherapy elicits tumor immune evasion with poorly characterized mechanisms. Here, we demonstrate that chemotherapy markedly enhances the expression levels of CD47 in osteosarcoma tissues, which are positively associated with patient mortality. We reveal that macrophages in response to chemotherapy secrete interleukin-18, which in turn upregulates expression of L-amino acid transporter 2 (LAT2) in tumor cells for substantially enhanced uptakes of leucine and glutamine, two potent stimulators of mTORC1. The increased levels of leucine and enhanced glutaminolysis activate mTORC1 and subsequent c-Myc-mediated transcription of CD47. Depletion of LAT2 or treatment of tumor cells with a LAT inhibitor downregulates CD47 with enhanced macrophage infiltration and phagocytosis of tumor cells, and sensitizes osteosarcoma to doxorubicin treatment in mice. These findings unveil a mutual regulation between macrophage and tumor cells that plays a critical role in tumor immune evasion and underscore the potential to intervene with the LAT2-mediated amino acid uptake for improving cancer therapies.
Metabolic control of CD47 expression through LAT2-mediated amino acid uptake promotes tumor immune evasion
期刊名稱:Nature Communications
時間期卷:13, Article number: 6308 (2022)
名稱:Clodronate Liposomes and Control Liposomes
辦事處:Target Technology(靶點科技)
Clodronate Liposomes氯膦酸鹽脂質體助力骨肉瘤模型研究,荷蘭Liposoma巨噬細胞清除劑Clodronate Liposomes見刊于Nature Communications:
Liposoma巨噬細胞清除劑Clodronate Liposomes氯膦酸二鈉脂質體的材料和方法:
Macrophage depletion by clodronate liposomes
For macrophage depletion, 200?μL clodronate liposomes (Liposoma B.V.) or PBS liposomes (Liposoma B.V.) were administered through the caudal vein 3 days prior to tumor injection and every 4 days (seven times in total). BCH was administered intravenously at 200?mg/kg per mouse the day after the first doxorubicin treatment, then every 2 days, four times. Intraperitoneal injections of CD47 mAb (Bio X cell) at a dose of 10?mg/kg was initiated the day after the first doxorubicin treatment, then every 2 days for four times. 2?×?106 SJSA-1 cells, GFP+ SJSA-1 cells, shCtrl SJSA-1 cells or shIL18R1 SJSA-1 cells were subcutaneously injected into BALB/c nude mice on day 0. Doxorubicin (5?mg/kg) was injected intraperitoneally five times every 3 days after tumor grew for 2 weeks. BCH (200?mg/kg) was injected intravenously after first doxorubicin treatment, and then every 2 days for 7 times. Clodronate liposomes were administered through the caudal vein 3 days prior to tumor injection and every 4 days for a total of nine times. Tumors were measured at indicated times and tumor volume was calculated using the formula: π/6?×?length?×?width.
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