Ⅰ. Applications:
Testing the degree that material structure or composite continuously can endure environment from extremely high temperature to extremely low temperature in an instant continuously. In order to test their chemical change or physical damage, which is caused by expanding with heat and contracting with cold in the shortest time. Apply to the materials, including metal, plastic, rubber, electron, etc., Can provide the gist or reference for product improvements.
Ⅱ. Features:
●Controller is adopted imported color LCD touch screen. It have Chinese and English operation window.
●Paperless recording function, display real-time curve changes with cold & thermal shock testing’s temperature changes.
●Migration thermal shock test chambers, It have two chambers. Safety pressure driving test on the back shock.
●Cold & Thermal shock moving time is within 10 seconds, it’s complied with standard of MIL,LEC,JIS.
●Cold & Thermal shock recovery time is within 5 minutes,it’s complied with relevant standards,
●Using HFC envioromental coolant, two yuan ultra low temperature freezing system design, cooling fast, high efficiency.
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