1) 該風室為多噴嘴風室,測量范圍是 500 ~ 14000m 3 /h 。 (2) 試驗對象主要以轎車冷卻風扇、換熱器和風扇換熱器的匹配的空氣動力阻力試驗為主,同時可以滿足部分工業(yè)風扇和換熱器的測量。 (3) 風室尺寸大小是 800× 1000mm × 800mm 。 (4) 輔助風機配有風機箱,方便了進出氣試驗的轉換,降低了噪聲。 (5) 5 個噴嘴中間實行常閉或常開,調節(jié)zui小和zui大流量,其他 4 個大噴嘴通過電腦對聯有噴嘴蓋的氣缸氣動執(zhí)行控制,實現了自動化。 (6) 整個測試與控制程序在 Labview 平臺下開發(fā)。
(1) the air chamber is a multi - nozzle air chamber, and the measurement range is 500 - 14000m 3 /h. (2) the test object is mainly based on the matching of the cooling fan,
heat exchanger and the fan heat exchanger, and can meet the measurement of the
industrial fan and heat exchanger. (3) the size of the wind chamber is 800 x 1000mm x 800mm.
(4) the auxiliary fan is equipped with a wind turbine, which facilitates the conversion of the air inlet and air test, and reduces the noise.
(5) the 5 nozzles are often closed or normally open, adjust the minimum and maximum flow rate, the other 4 large nozzles through the computer to control the pneumatic actuator of the cylinder head, realize the automation.
(6) the entire test and control program is developed under the Labview platform.
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