TSE聲音籠介紹: AudioBox by NewBehavior NewBehavior的聲音籠AudioBox The AudioBox is an innovative solution to enable acoustic conditioning in connection with a home cage. The conditioning apparatus inside a sound-attenuated box is linked to the home cage, for example an InliCage, outside TSE聲音籠是一個全新的解決方案,連接一個居住籠使聲音條件可以進行。聲音屏蔽籠內的條件設備連接到居住籠外面,例如InliCage Transponderized test and control animals are kept in a social group in the home cage. Access to the conditioning area is monitored by antennae inside the AudioBox and conditioning experiments can be performed on the isolated test animal. The conditioning setup uses similar technology as an InliCage corner, i.e. reinforcement by air puff, reward by liquids, or multicolor LEDs for choice discrimination 居住籠中,異頻雷達收發(fā)機測試和控制的動物都保持在一個社會群體中。條件區(qū)域的訪問被聲音籠內的天線監(jiān)測,并且條件實驗可以在單獨的動物上進行。條件設置與InliCage操作角落的技術相似,例如通過吹氣強化,獎勵飲料,或者多色LED用于選擇辨識 Benefits 優(yōu)勢: • Automated acoustic conditioning 自動聲音條件 • High animal welfare through group housing 群體住所的動物福利 • Minimal experimenter interference – improved data comparability zui少的實驗者干擾----提高了數據的可比性 • Selected access to conditioning area possible via AnimalGate 通過動物門選擇性訪問條件區(qū)域 • Frequency or gap discrimination studies possible 頻率或差距識別研究 AudioBox by NewBehavior NewBehavior的聲音籠 |