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當(dāng)前位置:> 供求商機(jī)> NGCM01 Gateway
更新時(shí)間:2024-10-08 21:00:07
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Bailey BRC400 BRC400 Bridge Controller PHCBRC40000000
Cell. +86 ()
T. +86 (21) 57772570-806
F. +86 (21) 57772570-808
Bailey BRC410 S+ Control Processor SPBRC41000000
Bailey CBC01 Batch Command Controller
Bailey C-I-CV42C-100T00000 Standard Single Monitor Auxiliary Terminal C-I-CV42C
Bailey CKN-740 Clock Module
Bailey CKN-741 Standard Timer Module
Bailey CLB01 Command Series Loop Bypass Module
Bailey CLC01 Bailey Controller Loop Command
Bailey CLC03 Controller Loop Command
Bailey CMM11 Condition Monitoring Module
Bailey CRT02 MCS Alarm Contact Module 663729IAI
Bailey CSC01 Loop Command Sequence Controller
Bailey CTT01 Configuration Tuning Terminal
Bailey CTT02 Handheld Configurator Tuning Terminal
Bailey CTU04 Termination Unit
Bailey DI-24-32 Digital Input Module FDI2432
Bailey DIO-400 Digital I/O Module - Harmony Block I/O PHBDIO40010000
Bailey DO-02-16 Digital Output Module FDO0216
Bailey DOT120 Digital Output Module PHBDOT12010000
Bailey DSI01 Test Card
Bailey E01941-20F 16" Industrial Color Monitor
Bailey E01942-20F 16" Industrial Color Monitor
Bailey E20FFA-BC1 17" Color Monitor V80 E20FFA
Bailey E271-150C Touchscreen Control Module
Bailey E271-60MKIIA MCS Graphic Card Elographics
Bailey E92-501-1 Tunning Terminal +5Vdc 100mA
Bailey FAO42016 AO42016 Analog Output Module AO42016
Bailey FBM-740 FIP Interface
Bailey FDI-115-16 Digital Input Module DI11516
Bailey FIO 100 Fieldbus I/O Module PHBFIO10010000
Bailey FJB-782 Termination Unit
Bailey FJB-796 Termination Unit
Bailey FJB-798 Digital Input Module SM9.3055.022.00
Bailey GSE 247 Relay Termination Unit GSE247-LC
Bailey HPG800 Harmony PCU Gateway Module P-HC-HPG80010000
Bailey IEFAN01 Fan Assembly 120 VAC Six Fans
Bailey IEMMU01 Module Mounting Unit - Rear Mounting
Bailey IEMMU02 Module Mounting Unit - Front Mounting
Bailey IEMMU11 Module Mounting Unit - Rear Mounting
Bailey IEMMU21 Module Mounting Unit
Bailey IEPAF01 AC Field Power Supply Module
Bailey IEPAF02 AC Field Power Supply
Bailey IEPAS01 AC System Power Supply
Bailey IEPAS02 AC System Power Supply
Bailey IEPBM01 Power Bus Monitor
Bailey IEPDP01 Power Distribution Panel
Bailey IEPDS02 System Power Module - 48VDC
Bailey IEPEP01 Power Entry Panel
Bailey IEPEP03 Power Entry Panel
Bailey IEPEP07 Power Entry Panel
Bailey IEPMU01 Power Mounting Unit Rear Mount
Bailey IEPRD01 DC Power Supply Module
Bailey IEPWM02 Power Monitor
Bailey IIADP01 Annunciator Display Panel
Bailey IIADP02 Annunciator Display Panel
Bailey IIAMS01 Mouse
Bailey IIEDI01 Interface Module
Bailey IIMCL01 Multibus Communication Link Termination 6638438A1
Bailey IIMCP01 Multibus Communications Processor 663822701
Bailey IIMCP02 Multibus Communication Module SCSI 6639037V01, 6639036E1
Bailey IIMKM01 Multibus Keyboard Module
Bailey IIMKM01A Multibus Keyboard Module
Bailey IIMKM02 Multibus Keyboard Module
Bailey IIMKM02A Multibus Keyboard Module 6642376A3
Bailey IIMLM01 Multibus Loop Module 6638230C1
Bailey IIMPM01 Multibus Processor Module
Bailey IIMPM02 Console Module
Bailey IIMRM01 Multibus Reset Module 6638511A2
Bailey IIMRM02 Multibus Reset Module 6642376A2
Bailey IIMSM01 Multibus Serial I/O Module
Bailey IIMTM01 Termination Module 6639337A1
Bailey IIPLM01 Bailey Module
Bailey IKAS01-6.4 Cable
Bailey IKLM01-3 Cable
Bailey IKLM01-5 Cable
Bailey IKLS01-2.2 Cable
Bailey IKTU01-6.6 Cable
Bailey IKTU02-3 Cable
Bailey IMAMI01 Auto Manual Interface Module
Bailey IMAMM03 Analog Master Module
Bailey IMAOM01 Analog Output Module
Bailey IMASI02 Analog Input Module
Bailey IMASI02S Analog Input Module
Bailey IMASI03 Analog Input Slave Module
Bailey IMASI13 Analog Input Module
Bailey IMASI23 Analog Input Module
Bailey IMASM01 Analog Input Slave Module
Bailey IMASM02 Analog Input Slave Module
Bailey IMASM02S Isolated Analog Input Module
Bailey IMASM03 Analog Slave Module
Bailey IMASM04 Analog Input Module
Bailey IMASO01 Analog Output Slave Module
Bailey IMASO11 Analog Output Slave Module
Bailey IMBLK01 Blank Module Assembly
Bailey IMCIS02 Control I/O Slave Module IMCIS02R
Bailey IMCIS12 Control I/O Slave Module
Bailey IMCIS22 Control I/O Slave Module
Bailey IMCKN01 Clock Network Module
Bailey IMCKN02 Clock Network Module
Bailey IMCOM03 Enhanced Controller Module
Bailey IMCOM04 Advanced Controller Module
Bailey IMCPM01 Configuration Port Module
Bailey IMCPM02 Communication Port Module
Bailey IMDER02 Digital Exchange Repeater
Bailey IMDSI02 Digital Input Slave
Bailey IMDSI12 Universal Digital Input Slave Module
Bailey IMDSI13 Digital Input Slave Module
Bailey IMDSI15 Digital Input Module
Cell. +86 ()
T. +86 (21) 57772570-806
F. +86 (21) 57772570-808
Bailey IMDSI22 Digital Input Module
Bailey IMDSI22-ABX Digital Slave Module - Special Version
Bailey IMDSM04 Pulse Input Slave Module
Bailey IMDSM05 Digital I/O Module
Bailey IMDSO01 Digital Slave Output Module
Bailey IMDSO02 Digital Output Module
Bailey IMDSO03 Digital Output Module
Bailey IMDSO04 Digital Output Slave
Bailey IMDSO14 Digital Output Slave
Bailey IMDSO15 Digital Output Module
Bailey IMFBM01 FIP Slave Module
Bailey IMFBS01 Field Bus Slave
Bailey IMFCS01 Frequency Counter Slave Module
Bailey IMFEC11 Field Equipment Communication (Analog Input)
Bailey IMFEC12 Analog Input Module
Bailey IMHSS03 Hydraulic Servo Module
Bailey IMMFC03 Enhanced Multi-Function Controller
Bailey IMMFC04 Multifunction Controller
Bailey IMMFC05 Multifunction Controller
Bailey IMMFP01 Multi-Function Processor
Bailey IMMFP02 Multi-Function Processor
Bailey IMMFP03 Multifunction Processor Module
Bailey IMMFP11 Multifunction Processor Module
Bailey IMMFP12 Multifunction Processor Module IMMFP12R
Bailey IMMPI01 Multi-Function Processor Interface
Bailey IMMPI02 Multi-Function Processor Interface
Bailey IMPCC01 IMPCC01 Programmable Controller Coupler
Bailey IMQRS12 Quick Response Module
Bailey IMQRS22 Quick Response I/O Module
Bailey IMRAE12 RTU 90 Isolated Analog Input Module
Bailey IMRAI12 RTU 90 Analog Input Module
Bailey IMRAO02 RTU 90 Analog Output Module
Bailey IMRCC02 CPU and Communication Module
Bailey IMRDI01 RTU 90 Non-Isolated Digital Input Module
Bailey IMRDI13 RTU 90 Digitl Input Module
Bailey IMRDO01 RTU 90 Digitl Output Module
Bailey IMRIO02 Remote I/O Slave Module
Bailey IMSED01 Sequence of Events Digital Inputs Module
Bailey IMSER02 Sequence of Events Recorder
Bailey IMSET01 Sequence of Event Time Keeper Module
Bailey IMSPM01 Serial Port Module
Bailey IMUSM01 rt VAX 300 Module
Bailey INBIM02 Bus Interface Module
Bailey INBTM01 Bus Transfer Module
Bailey INDDM01 Disk Drive Module 6640930A1
Bailey INFBA01 FIP Serial Interface
Bailey INICT01 INFI-Net to Computer Transfer Module
Bailey INICT03A Infi-Net to Computer Transfer Module
Bailey INICT13A ICT13A Infi-Net to Computer Transfer Module
Bailey INIIT01 Infinet to Infinet Transfer Module
Bailey INIIT03 Infinet to Infinet Transfer Module
Bailey INIIT12 Infi-Net to Infi-Net Transfer Module
Bailey INIIT13 Infi-Net to Infi-Net Transfer Module
Bailey INIPT01 Infi-Net to Plant Loop Local Transfer Module
Bailey INIPT02 Plant Loop Remote Transfer Module
Bailey INLIM03 Loop Interface Module
Bailey INNIS01 Network Interface Slave Module
Bailey INNIS11 Network Interface Slave Module
Bailey INNIS21 Network Interface Slave Module
Bailey INNPM01 Network Processor Module
Bailey INNPM11 Network Processor Module
Bailey INNPM12 Network Processor Module
Bailey INNPM22 Network Processor Module
Bailey INNTP01 Plant Loop to Computer Transfer Module
Bailey INPBS01 Parallel Bus Slave Module
Bailey INPCT01 Plant Loop to Computer Transfer Module
Bailey INPPT01 Plant Loop to Plant Loop Transfer Module
Bailey INSEM01 Sequence of Events Master
Bailey INSIM01 Serial Interface Module
Bailey INTKM01 Time Keeper Master Module
Bailey IPBLC01 Harmony Power Module
Bailey IPBLK01 Power System Blank Face Plate
Bailey IPCHS01 MPS II Power Module Chasis
Bailey IPCHS02 MPS II Power Chassis 6643187A1, 6641175K2
Bailey IPECB11 Power Entry Circuit Breaker
Bailey IPESW11 Power Entry Switch
Bailey IPFAN11 Fan Assembly
Bailey IPFAN12 Fan Unit - 230 Vac
Bailey IPFAN13 MPSII Fan Module 125VDC 07A
Bailey IPFAN14 Power System Fan
Bailey IPFCH01 Power Fan Chassis
Bailey IPFLD01 Field Power Module - 24 VDC
Bailey IPFLD125 Field Power Module - 125 VDC
Bailey IPFLD24 Field Power Module - 24 Vdc
Bailey IPFLD48 Field Power Module - 48 VDC
Bailey IPMON01 Power Montior Module
Cell. +86 ()
T. +86 (21) 57772570-806
F. +86 (21) 57772570-808
Bailey IPSYS01 System Power Module
Bailey ITB/AXNI Analog Input Termination 686B687U01
Bailey ITB/DIM Discrete Input Terminal 686B55U01
Bailey ITB/DOM Interface Terminal Board 686B657U01
Bailey ITCTU03/11 ITCTU03/11 Redundancy Board
Bailey ITCTU04 ITCTU04 Termination Unit
Bailey J6623695F2 Summer Bias Inverter J6623694AE2
Bailey J6623835K3 D.C Signal Generator J6623832M3
Bailey J6624080V2 Multiplier Error J6629522V1
Bailey J6624125D1 Derivative J6631152D1
Bailey J6624200G1 Rate Limted Follower J6631166A1
Bailey J6624505F1C Square Root Extractor J6624502AL1C
Bailey J6624543G2C 3-Input Auctioneer J6624542K2C
Bailey J6624543J2 3-Input Auctioneer J6624542L2
Bailey J6629530L2 SUM PR0P.NTERGAL J6629533R2
Bailey J9921010E1 24 AUX Relay
Bailey J9921010E2 118VAC Auxiliary Relay J9922012J2
Bailey J9921028C1 Signal Monitor J9922040F1
Bailey J9921028C1C Signal Monitor J992204F1C
Bailey J9921032C2 Transfer Relay Delay J9922045D1
Bailey J9921073B1H E/I Converter J9922182B1
Bailey J9921073BIHC E/I Converter J9922182B1C1
Bailey J9921112A1C Pulser J9922332A1C
Bailey J9922210F1 Current Buffer
Bailey JM95000205.50 IEPEP Power Supply Cable CAVO IEPEP
Bailey L30805F1 SSI Card PCB Circuit Board CAB-ROW-POS
Bailey L34701-A1 MC-1 Card
Bailey LMUSM02 Universal Simulation Module
Bailey LPS01 LVDT Position Module - ETSI
Bailey M8012 Boot-Terminator / Diagnostic ROM Module 5012569C 5012569D
Bailey MFPM02 Control Module 6634163P1
Bailey MSM-740 MULTY Synchroniz Module
Bailey NADS01 Annunciator Display Panel
Bailey NAMM02 Analog Master Module
Bailey NAMM03 Analog Master Module
Bailey NAOM01 Analog Output Module
Bailey NASI02 Analog Input Module
Bailey NASI02/F Analog Input Module
Bailey NASM01 Analog Input Module
Bailey NASM02 Analog Slave Module
Bailey NASM02E Analog Slave Module(TC)
Bailey NASM02S Analog Slave Module
Bailey NASM03 Analog Slave Module 6634416D1
Bailey NASM04 Analog Input Slave Module - RTD
Bailey NASO01 Analog Output Module
Bailey NBIM01 Bus Interface Module
Bailey NBIM02 Bus Interface Module
Bailey NBTM01 Bus Transfer Module
Bailey NCIS01 Control I/O Module
Bailey NCIS02 Control I/O Module
Bailey NCOM02 Enhanced Controller Module
Bailey NCOM03 Enhanced Controller Module
Bailey NCOM04 Advanced Controller Module
Bailey NCPM01 Communication Port Module
Bailey NCTM01 Configuration & Tuning Module
Bailey NDCS03 Digital Control Station
Bailey NDIS01 Digital Indicator Station
Bailey NDLS02 Logic Module Digital Station MA
Bailey NDSI01 Digital Slave Input Module
Bailey NDSI02 Net 90 Digital Input Module
Bailey NDSM03 Digital Input Module
Bailey NDSM04 Digital Slave Module
Bailey NDSM05 Digital Input Module
Bailey NDSO01 Digital Output Module
Bailey NDSO02 Digital Output Module
Bailey NDSO03 Digital Output Module
Bailey NDSO04 Digital Output Module
Bailey NFAN01 Network 90 Fan Assembly
Bailey NFBA01 NFBA01 Module
Bailey NFCS01 Frequency Counter Slave Module
Bailey NFTP01 Field Termination Panel
Bailey NGCM01 Gateway Communications Module
Bailey NGCM02 Gateway Communication Module
Bailey NHSS01 Hydraulic Servo Module
Bailey NIAI01 Analog Input Termination Module High Level
Bailey NIAI02 Analog Input Termination Module 663660IAI
Bailey NIAI03 Analog Input Termination Module
Cell. +86 ()
T. +86 (21) 57772570-806
F. +86 (21) 57772570-808
Bailey NIAI04 Analog Input Termination Module
Bailey NIAM02 Analog Master Termination
Bailey NIAO01 Analog Output Termination Module
Bailey NICL01 Communication Link Termination
Bailey NICS01 Control I/O Termination Module
Bailey NIDI01 Digital I/O Termination Module
Bailey NIOP02 Network 90 I/O Power Panel
Bailey NIOX01 I/O Expander Module
Bailey NIPL01 Plant Loop Termination Module
Bailey NIRL03 Remote Link Termination Module
Bailey NKAS01-8 Analog Module Termination Cable
Bailey NKCL01-10 Coaxial Cable for RIO/Infi-Net Communications
Bailey NKCL01-20 Coaxial Infinet/ RIO Communication Cable
Bailey NKCL01-33 Coaxial Infinet/ RIO Communication Cable
Bailey NKCL01-6 Coaxial Cable for RIO/Infi-Net Communications
Bailey NKCL01-7 Coaxial Cable for RIO/Infi-Net Communications
Bailey NKCS01-10 Control Station Cable
Bailey NKDO01-2 Digital Output Cable
Bailey NKDO01-5 Digital Output Cable
Bailey NKDS01-100 I/O Module to Termination Unit Cable
Bailey NKDS03-10 Digital Control Stability Cable
Bailey NKEB01 Expander Bus Interconnect Cable
Bailey NKLM02-007 TPL to LIM Communication Cable I-E96-418A
Bailey NKLS01-10 Communications Cable
Bailey NKLS01-3 Loop Interface Cable
Bailey NKLS01-4 Loop Interface Cable
Bailey NKLS01-5 Loop Interface Cable
Bailey NKLS01-7 Loop Interface Cable
Bailey NKLS01-8 Loop Interface Cable
Bailey NKLS02-10 Infi-Net Interface Cable - 10 feet
Bailey NKLS03-10 Plant Loop Interface Cable
Bailey NKLS03-5 Plant Loop Interface Cable
Bailey NKLS04-3 Loop Interface Cable
Bailey NKLS11-10 Infi-net Interface Cable -10 feet
Bailey NKLS11-12 Infi-net Interface Cable - 12 feet
Bailey NKLS11-3 Infi-net Interface Cable -3 feet
Bailey NKLS11-7 Infi-net Interface Cable -7 feet
Bailey NKLS11-8 Infi-net Interface Cable -8 feet Bailey NLIM02 Loop Interface Module
Bailey NLIS01 Loop Interface Slave
Bailey NLMM01 Logic Master Module
Bailey NLMM02 Logic Master Module
Bailey NLSM01 Network 90 Loop Storage
Bailey NLSM02 Loop Storage Module
Bailey NKLS11-9 Infi-net Interface Cable -9 feet
Bailey NKMF02-02 MFC Redundancy Cable
Bailey NKMP01-2 MFP Redundancy Cable
Bailey NKMP01-4 MFP Redundancy Cable
Bailey NKMP01-5 MFP Redundancy Cable
Bailey NKMP03-1 MFP Redundancy Cable
Bailey NKMP11-2 MFP Redundancy Cable
Bailey NKMP11-3 Redundancy Cable - 3 Ft
Bailey NKMP11-4 Redundancy Cable - 4 Ft
Bailey NKPL01-3 Twinax Plant Loop Cable
Bailey NKSB01-1 Ribbon Cable