/ +86 27 84899919 ext 820
傳真/ +86 27 84796721
The Kraftanlagen Group is able to rely on a wealth of experience that has accumulated during more than 90 years of successful activities in the fields of energy and plant technology. Right from the start, Kraftanlagen Heidelberg was involved in the erection of nuclear plants and nuclear power plants in Germany and adjacent countries. We are an influential plant builder and a reliable partner in the nuclear industry. Furthermore, our services are in high demand in national and international research centres. In the fields of radiation protection and service, we were trailblazers when it comes to the disposal and conditioning of waste.
Expertise and Experience
One of our specialities is the provision of services in the post-operation phase and during dismantling of nuclear plants. Our range of services also includes the engineering and supply of plants for the conditioning and disposing of radioactive waste.
As part of large international projects like CERN and ITER, the design solutions of our engineers and scientists are contributing to taking the results of high-level research and applying it on an industrial scale.
*Kraftanlagen Anlagentechnik München GmbH泵
In order to be optimally positioned for the future, we in Heidelberg focus on all services related to nuclear technology. The Industrial service business unit became part of Kraftanlagen München GmbH effective 1 April 2016 and will continue to exist as the company's Heidelberg branch with all previous contact persons and contact information. The services previously provided by the Industrial service business unit can now be found in the Utility services solutions area.
Our nuclear technology and dismantling solutions
Dismantling and disposal technology*Kraftanlagen Anlagentechnik München GmbH泵
One of the largest challenges of the energy transition is the withdrawal from nuclear power. The Kraftanlagen Group offers solutions for post-operation, dismantling and the disposal of nuclear plants.
Engineering and calculation*Kraftanlagen Anlagentechnik München GmbH泵
Our many years of experience in the engineering and process design of systems and components for nuclear plants, combined with our expertise in questions relating to the strength of structures and flow analyses, makes us a one-stop service provider.
Research facilities*Kraftanlagen Anlagentechnik München GmbH泵
Within the framework of partnerships, our highly qualified scientists and engineers are currently working on solutions in a wide range of scientific disciplines on behalf of many national and international research centres.*Kraftanlagen Anlagentechnik München GmbH泵